The Mind in the Cave: Consciousness and the Origins of Art - David Lewis-Williams
Try the book up there - sounds cool eh?
well i don't believe in ufo's and abductions and that sort of thing but i do believe more that there must be extraterrestrial intelligence than i believe in the existance of a god.. i used to visit this site to read about the thoughts of serious scientists on the subject, it's the us-government sponsored project of seti:.
The Mind in the Cave: Consciousness and the Origins of Art - David Lewis-Williams
Try the book up there - sounds cool eh?
well i don't believe in ufo's and abductions and that sort of thing but i do believe more that there must be extraterrestrial intelligence than i believe in the existance of a god.. i used to visit this site to read about the thoughts of serious scientists on the subject, it's the us-government sponsored project of seti:.
Oh no - you just had to bring David Icke to the thread
I have in my possession one of his films at the moment called "Revelations of a Mother Goddess".
Lets just say, I find it hard to believe in shape-shifting lizards resonating from the 4th dimension. Call me naive if you will.
well i don't believe in ufo's and abductions and that sort of thing but i do believe more that there must be extraterrestrial intelligence than i believe in the existance of a god.. i used to visit this site to read about the thoughts of serious scientists on the subject, it's the us-government sponsored project of seti:.
What I'd like to get my head around is what was there before the big bang?
I think it is important to remember that the theory of the big bang, is just that. A theory.
Our puny human brains came up with that theory and it may be as viable as a cosmic dog doing a universal dump and we are bacteria on the surface of the poop
i don't know what the situation is in the rest of the world, but here, jw's seem to have a very limited field of employment.
they are, in approximate order of preference:.
double glazing salesperson.. window cleaner.. door to door brush sales.. painter & decorator.. there seems to be virtually no professional occupations that are enjoyed by jw's.
What do you think?
I agree.
i don't know what the situation is in the rest of the world, but here, jw's seem to have a very limited field of employment.
they are, in approximate order of preference:.
double glazing salesperson.. window cleaner.. door to door brush sales.. painter & decorator.. there seems to be virtually no professional occupations that are enjoyed by jw's.
JW?s need the weak, the educated or the motivated don?t last to long as JW?s.
That is an observation certain Romans made of the early Christian church. They viewed them in part as attracting simpletons. I'm not sure that is entirely true in reality, although there were a fair few people in my cong' who fell into that category.
Anyway - I have got sick and tired lately hearing about the evils of education from a JW-apologist friend. We had quite a heated debate yesterday concerning this very subject.
While I agree that the sole aspiration towards riches and materialism through education is bad (and I do believe that), I do not agree that the schooling system in it's entirety is evil and corrupt, as certain JWs preach.
I think every man and woman on the planet should be taught a basic education and learn to reason for themselves.
well i don't believe in ufo's and abductions and that sort of thing but i do believe more that there must be extraterrestrial intelligence than i believe in the existance of a god.. i used to visit this site to read about the thoughts of serious scientists on the subject, it's the us-government sponsored project of seti:.
There appears to be more information concerning spirit and ghost encounters than 'alien' manifestations or sightings.
Some claim that aliens are simply demons shape-shifting to suit the fashion & trend of the day. These ones also claim that Ufology is simply a distraction, employed by Satan to turn the curious away from the real source of truth.
Another group claim that this whole area is illuminati puppetry and these greys etc only exist to confuse and misdirect. This sounds a bit like the demon theory as well to my mind
Maybe the two groups are linked? Or maybe, Aliens are simply other lifeforms buzzing the earth.
Me - not sure... my head is spinning from theory to theory.
if you are an atheist, what are your thoughts on the afterlife?
we are what we are until we die, then are no more?
I like your thoughts - very intriguing.
... as for an afterlife - heres hoping - because when I'm well, I love life.
i just had surgery(gall bladder) this past week.
i am fine, thanks.
anyways, it hurts when laugh.
Rising Damp
Curb Your Enthusiasm + Seinfeld
Fawlty Towers
Help (a new program broadcasting on BBC2/Sunday - worth a look)
... not a massive fan of "Little Britain", personally I think it is over rated and lacks subtlety.
The problem for many comedy shows, especially in the UK, are the script writers. They appear to desire bad language and gross sexual material in an attempt to 'shock' the audience into submission. The current batch of comedies show cased on BBC3, mostly display this tendency. When compared to the genius of Fawlty Towers, they lack charm.
i've noticed on this forum that a fair few ex-jw's still refer to the members of the non-christain cult known as the jehovah's witneses as christians.
im aware that current members may wrongly believe they are in fact christians because the organisation leads them to believe they are serving god.
but for ex-members who are awake to the false teachings of this non-christain organisation, i thought they may be more prudent in their choice of words, and not refer to them as christians.
The way I read the Bible now, is that it is not for any individual human to judge anothers faith. If a man professes to believe in salvation through Christ, in whatever way shape or form, then let them choose how to worship?
For sure if somebody says they are a Christian and break key moral laws, then judge away my friend!
Often we are simply engaging in semantics or tearing apart subjective conceptual forms which by their very nature are invisible and cannot be objectively proven.
The key to the Christian faith is Godly love and just maybe there are individual JWs that fulfill that essential requirement?
it was pretty odd.
we had a jw sister come to our door on sunday by herself.
she walked up really slowly and quietly.
I can relate to the above, as I used to go out with "brother timid" who would creep up the path like a little mouse, stroke the door and retreat rather quickly. He quite clearly did not want to be there. He was probably horrified with my loud thunder claps on the door!